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This service provides a variety of interventions designed to maximize the functioning of consumers. Services may include but are not limited to: Habilitation therapies, special development skills, behavior intervention, and sensory-motor development.

This Service may be provided in the following settings:

1) The consumers home; or
2) The consumers community
3) This service shall not be provided while the consumer is attending day treatment and training.
4) This service shall not be provided when the consumer is hospitalized.
5) This service shall not be provided to consumers living in group homes, vendor supported developmental homes (child or adult), skilled nursing facilities, non-state operated ICFs/MR, or Level I or Level II behavioral health facilities.

Service Goals:

1) To enable the consumer to acquire knowledge and skills and be a valued member of his/her community based on his/her own choices.

2) To provide training to increase or maintain the consumer's self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills to reside and participate successfully with his/her family in his/her own community.

3) To assist the consumer in achieving and maintaining a quality of life that promotes the consumer's vision of the future.

Affinity Family Care
1423 S. Higley Road
Suite #115
Mesa, AZ 85206

(480) 558-3600
(480) 558-1806 - Fax